Friday, June 7, 2013

"Loving Marcus"-Victoria Kante

Book Title: Loving Marcus
Author: Victoria Kante
Version: Paperback
ISBN: 9781484063019
Published: May 3rd, 2013
Publisher: Createspace
Genre: Fiction

SYNOPSIS: From the back of the book: Brelynn's life seems to be going in the right direction. She has a caring, loving man in her life, an over-protective sister who raised her and a job in New York City that she loves. When a diagnosis of Leukemia falls into her lap, her world begins to crumble and the people around her alternately support and desert her. She must find the strength within herself to make difficult decisions and search in new places for the help she needs. A love story that captures the beauty of life from an unexpected birth and death; it finds the characters caught in situations that force them to reach deep inside to find their true selves. In the middle of her fight to live, Brelynn must make a difficult choice, to her life or to give life. This story follows her journey as she struggles with her own conscience and with the demands of her family and friends who believe they are putting her interests first. When her lover walks away, she turns to the God she never knew, and finds that even with the guidance of a friendly priest, the ultimate decision is hers.

REVIEW: I heard about this through someone that I work with because Ms. Victoria Kante works with us. I bought it and read it in support of a writer I know. But as soon as I started reading it I found myself sucked into the story and not wanting to put the book down. It is a first novel, and self edited and published and you can tell but there is something about it that makes it impossible not to like. 

The story is a tragic one, and that's obvious from the very beginning. But it's also obvious that it's a meaningful one, a personal one to the author. This personal touch makes the story richer and deeper which is important in a tale such as this. And the thing is the story is so intense that I couldn't not fall into it. I truly appreciate a really good story even if the writing isn't perfect and this was a really good story.

The writing was good, it's obvious that Ms. Kante is a talent in the making. She has a good style and feel for the way a story should unfold and I can't wait to see where she goes from here. I think though that this really would have benefited from some editing. There were moments that were a little scattered and a few parts that didn't really feel well put together or realistic. The dialogue was mostly unbelievable in the sense that most people don't actually speak the way her characters spoke. All in all I think that having a few more pairs of eyes read the manuscript before it was published would have turned this good book into a great one. 

The characters were good, for the most part well fleshed out. I found myself liking Brelynn and appreciating her will to make it through her struggles. I liked Brelynn's friend Peter and I found myself liking the priest that shows up most of the way through. Again these were characters that were good but I know that Ms. Kante has more in her. I am really very excited to see what comes next from her because there really is a great storyteller there and I think that she can become a truly great writer. 

I think all in all this is a good first novel and you should give it a chance. It's been self published so it's going to be a little hard to come by. It is available as an ebook so if you have a reader of any kind go ahead a buy yourself a copy. The physical book will be available at Barnes & Noble 5th Ave. so if you are in the New York area stop on by and purchase your very own copy. I promise, story-wise it is well worth it!

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